Managing Anxiety in Everyday Life: Tips & Techniques From an Anxiety Therapist

Managing anxiety can be tricky, but there are so many helpful strategies out there that can help you navigate it effectively. Everyone's experience with anxiety is unique. This is why finding the right coping skills and self-care activities will look different for each person. Prioritizing time each day for self-care activities such as exercise, meditation, or fun hobbies can provide a much-needed outlet for stress. This helps to give you a sense of calm and have you feeling zen in no time. If managing your anxiety has become a struggle for you, here at Bianca VonBank Therapy, I offer Anxiety Treatment in New York, NY. As an experienced anxiety therapist, I can help you develop personalized strategies to manage your anxiety.

A woman sits in bed while drinking out of a cup and reading a book. Has managing anxiety in New York, NY been a struggle for you? Speak with an anxiety therapist in New York to see how anxiety treatment can help you.

Techniques for Managing Anxiety in Your Daily Life

Start the day on the right foot with a morning routine

Creating a morning routine sets the tone for an intentional and balanced day. Starting your day with mindfulness practices, such as meditation or journaling, can center your mind and set positive intentions. Incorporating physical movements, like yoga or a morning walk, connects you to your body and boosts energy levels. Creating a personalized morning routine that works for you helps you to approach each day connected to yourself and in a more ease-filled state. My morning routine consists of some reading, journaling, writing a to-do list for the day, getting dressed, and making the world’s best latte.

Limit Social Media and Other Forms of Technology that Trigger Anxiety

Feeling anxious and overwhelmed when scrolling on social media? You should probably consider limiting your time spent online. Research shows that excessive social media use can exacerbate feelings of anxiety and stress. By setting boundaries and creating structured designated screen-free periods, you can limit opportunities for anxiety to arise. Being intentional about how and when you use social media is essential. Curate a feed that feels better when scrolling. Edit and unfollow as needed! Pay attention to how you are using social media. Are you using it to numb out or distract? What other forms of technology do you find to be unhelpful? The news? Tik Tok? Google? Certain media apps? Identify and limit or eliminate as needed. Doing so allows you to embrace a healthier relationship with technology and clear your mental space from the constant buzz of social media.

A woman stands in the grass while looking at the sun in front of her. Has managing anxiety in New York, NY become harder for you? It might be time for Anxiety treatment in New York then. Speak with an anxiety therapist to learn how it can change you.

Get Outside

Getting outside can be a powerful antidote to anxiety. Stepping into nature allows us to temporarily escape the hustle and bustle of daily life, providing a soothing and calming environment. The fresh air, the gentle rustle of leaves, and the natural scenery can help to quiet the mind and alleviate feelings of stress and worry. Additionally, physical activity such as walking, hiking, or simply enjoying outdoor activities can release endorphins, the body's natural mood lifters, further reducing anxiety. Find ways to get outside and practice some mindfulness. Feel the ground on your feet, the sun on your skin, and breathe in the fresh air. Take in all the details of trees, animals, the sky, or anything else around you. Just a couple of minutes is all you need for a nice escape. I personally take a few minutes outside between sessions to stretch, feel the sun, and take in a different environment for a super effective reset during my work day.

Practice Self-Soothing for Managing Anxiety

Anxiety can be overwhelming, but there are effective self-soothing skills that can help you manage and reduce its impact on your daily life.

Deep Breathing

Practice deep, diaphragmatic breathing to calm your nervous system. Inhale deeply through your nose for a count of four, hold for a count of four, and then exhale slowly through your mouth for a count of six. Repeat this several times until you feel more relaxed.

Mindfulness Meditation

Engage in mindfulness meditation to ground yourself in the present moment and become more aware of your thoughts and feelings without judgment. Find a quiet place, close your eyes, and focus on your breath or a specific point of relaxation in your body.

Progressive Muscle Relaxation

Tense and then relax each muscle group in your body, starting from your toes and working your way up to your head. This technique can help release physical tension and promote a sense of calm.

Sensory Grounding

Use your senses to connect with the present environment. Notice five things you can see, four things you can touch, three things you can hear, two things you can smell, and one thing you can taste. This can help bring your attention away from anxious thoughts.


Practice self-compassion by speaking to yourself as you would to a close friend. Acknowledge your feelings without judgment and remind yourself that it's okay to feel anxious. Offer yourself words of kindness and understanding.

Creative Expression

Engage in a creative activity that brings you joy, such as drawing, painting, writing, or playing a musical instrument. Creative expression can help channel anxious energy into a positive outlet.

Positive Affirmations

Repeat positive affirmations to yourself, such as "I am capable of handling this" or "I am stronger than my anxiety." Affirmations can help reframe negative thought patterns and build self-confidence.

A Calming Environment Can Help in Managing Anxiety

Creating a relaxing space is so helpful for feeling a sense of calm and well-being. If possible clear your space of any clutter or mess. Add relaxing touches like soothing artwork, light some scented candles or incense, diffuse essential oils, or play calming music to make the space soothing for you. For me, that looks like diffusing lavender oil, playing bossa nova on my speakers, and having an uncluttered space. By combining these elements, you can create a sanctuary that helps you to destress and promote productivity!

Take Your Vitamins

As a therapist, I often discuss the potential benefits of incorporating supplements for managing anxiety. Certain supplements, such as omega-3 fatty acids, vitamin D, vitamin B-complex, magnesium, and certain herbal remedies like lemon balm or ashwagandha, have shown promise in helping alleviate symptoms of anxiety. Some of these supplements like magnesium are also amazing for sleep - win-win! It’s important to be mindful of potential interactions with medications or existing health conditions. Additionally, supplements should not replace evidence-based treatments for anxiety, such as therapy and medication if prescribed by a healthcare professional.

A person holds a cat eyemask and a cup while laying in bed. Wondering how Anxiety Treatment can help in managing anxiety in New York, NY? Speak with an anxiety therapist to learn more!

Prioritize a Night Routine and Sleep Hygiene

Creating a nighttime routine can support better sleep and help tackle anxiety that creeps up in the evening. Start by winding down at least an hour before bedtime. Also incorporate calming activities such as reading, gentle stretching, or practicing gratitude. Notice how I didn’t include mindlessly scrolling TikTok or watching the latest murder documentary?! Establish a consistent bedtime to regulate your body's internal clock. Try practicing relaxation techniques like breathwork or meditation to signal the transition to sleep as well. Avoiding screens and stimulating activities closer to bedtime can also support a smoother transition to sleep.

My night routine consists of putting my cell phone in another room to charge, diffusing essential oils, dimming my lights, journaling, and reading till I’m sleepy. Prioritizing a consistent nighttime routine can help create a sense of comfort. It also trains your body and mind that it's time to unwind and prepare for restorative sleep. This is essential for anxiety management.

Learn Tips for Managing Anxiety through Anxiety Treatment in New York, NY

Are you struggling to manage anxiety and find peace in your daily life? Here at Bianca VonBank Therapy, I offer specialized Anxiety Treatment in New York, NY designed to help you overcome your challenges. As a compassionate therapist, I understand the complexities of anxiety and am here to provide you with the support and tools you need to thrive. Let me help you navigate your anxiety and discover a path to greater well-being. Take the first step towards a calmer, more balanced life by following the steps below:

Other Therapy Services Offered by Bianca VonBank Therapy in New York, NY, and Throughout NY + FL

At Bianca VonBank Therapy, I offer a range of services aimed at supporting your mental health and well-being. In addition to Anxiety Treatment in New York, NY, I provide therapy for a wide range of concerns. These include Binge Eating Disorder Treatment and Therapy for Women. Common topics addressed in therapy include body-image issues, burnout, perfectionism, and relationship issues. I am trained in evidence-based practices such as Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) and Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT). Whether you're seeking help for a specific issue or looking to improve your overall mental wellness, I am dedicated to providing personalized and effective care to help you grow. Reach out today to learn more and begin your journey toward a life full of enjoyment and peace.


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